Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Social Media Sabbath | Day 6

Being longterm injured means a lot of down time. Being longterm injured without any social media means a lot of time to fill starring at something besides my computer screen. So naturally, I take to the book shelf. The first thing I see is my line of old journals, specifically a little leather one spilling out with papers and about to break clean off the binding.

August 3, 2011:


All these points are scribbled down in funny handwriting, from the last Timotheos meetings at Blake's house. It's funny now to think I can specifically remember where I was sitting, and the examples given to us of what it would look like to give Jesus lordship over all areas of life. It's taken me 2 years and 3 months to get enough guts to let him have it. 

Social media is huge. Just freaking huge. There are perhaps 10 people that would say know me. I mean really really know me. So that leaves 1,000 some odd other acquaintances to only know me by my written words and pictures. And man, do I try to be cool. 

Just in the past week I've noticed just how often I either quote something in my head that I would be writing on twitter/facebook or think about all the cool pictures I could be taking and posting to Instagram. I would say that 10% of the time my motives are to glorify the Lord. The other 90% is just so that I'll look awesome. And there's nothing worse, might I add, than lying in your bed and comparing yourself to everyone else's worlds that seem to be moving while yours is seemingly very still. I know that my life is anything but still and the Lord is doing incredibly things with me/through me. But social media makes me fall into the lies: I'm too much, I'm not enough, I need this, I want that, I should move there, why am I not engaged, what am I doing with my life...

"God, what would Jesus say to me if he was at the foot of my bed?" - July 9, 2011

I am a perfect amount. God is especially fond of me. I am free to be myself. I am not a slave. I am very free. 

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Injury Updates

So by no means do I want to spend a significant amount of time talking about this, but I do know that some of you truly care and are interested in what's been going on. So let me make it short and sweet:

I had a little fall rock climbing, but a big injury. I landed in an unforunate spot on the padding and crushed my talus (google it). I've gotten one surgery (10 weeks ago) to put 3 screws in and get the bone back in one piece. That surgery went well and the bone is healing. When I fell I destroyed the majority of the cartilage and blood vessels in my ankle, as well as knocked my heel out of place as caused a little section of my bone (on the talus) to collapse. I got a call today letting me know that I will be getting a small bone graph as well as my subtalar joint fused together in about 6 weeks to straighten everything out and place my heel back in the correct position. This will limit the movement of my ankle to only an up and down motion permanently. Hopefully this will be the last surgery. I'll be on crutches for about another 4-5 months with a lot of physical therapy for the next year or so. There are obviously a lot of long term issues involved with a fusion, but the only one I have any concern about is that the blood will not flow properly to the bone resulting in the deterioration of it. I have no idea what would happen if that was the case. So hopefully it wont even be an issue!

The Lord has given me a lot of peace about it, and (most days) I'm fine. I'm a completely healthy human besides this! And I refuse to believe that I wont be back at doing ridiculously foolish things as soon as possible. 

If you could join me in prayer for healing as well as wisdom for the doctors, that would be just fantastic!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

35mm Revue

In a super breif visit to Worms, Germany I found a Revue 100c camera at an antique shop on a random street. Not only were we weird Americans carrying super large packs and trying to navigate out way around this tiny space, but negotiating a price when you speak NO German whatsoever was also super interesting. So thanks to some expired film Shaina had, I got to try it out and low and behold it works like a charm!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2013

Friday, March 1, 2013

Monday, February 18, 2013