Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Ode To Charleston (and other thoughts)

People say three months is just long enough for a place to feel like home.
Three months ago I never in a million years thought I would say this,
but when I left Charleston yesterday I cried.
I cried not only once, but four times.
I laughed so hard at myself for the pure fact that I was crying that I just cried harder.
I tripped on the same cobblestone every time I walked past the Francis Marion hotel on King.
Tripping on the uneven pavement and yelling "freaking charleston" became a simultaneous ordeal.
The overbearing smell of what I would like to think of as similar to whale poo became very normal,
And I didn't think twice about driving over the Cooper River Bridge.
I could Nascaar my way through giant orange construction cones in Mount Pleasant,
and sand in my teeth was nothing out of the ordinary.
I became addicted to sun screen after not wearing it for 21 years.
I could calculate the rising and falling of the tide everyday in my head before heading out.
I battled a stingray while standing up on a moving boat.
I finally realized that Meeting and East Bay run parallel to one another (I think),
and Warren is a pain to get to if you go one street to far.
Drunk people on the streets late at night is and will always be annoying,
unless you're all standing in line for hot dogs from the greasy man in the ally.
I went without washing my beach towel for over a month,
I ran once and thought I was going to have a heat stroke and choke on the water in the air.
I fell in love with a dog, his name is BB.
I rode my bike so fast through the Old Village when I got off work that I just laughed with pure joy.
I ate so much kale I think and drank so much almond milk that I think it's permanently in my bloodstream.
I touched a horseshoe crab,
and kissed a bumblebee.

I ignored God,
I faught with God,
I was disappointed in God,
and I cried with God.

Then Jesus provided.

Jesus provided me with people who love,
with people who opened their homes and their lives to me.
He provided beautiful things and places to go.
But most important he provided plently of himself.
He provided a way out,
a way out of my own selfish world and into his love.
He opened my eyes to see him and my ears to hear him.
He provided a way for me to not waste my life,
but to count it as nothing in comparision to His glory.
Jesus provided me with love and hope,
hope through faith that he will always provide.
He will provide through my loneliness,
He will provide through my frustrations,
He will provide in his timing,
and when he provides,
it will be good.

Without Jesus being so patient and so providing, I wouldn't have an ode to Charleston. I wouldn't have cried when I left. I loved the people I met, the family I stayed with, and the city. But most of all I loved the sweet moments I had when Jesus simple told me that he was enough and he would provide.

Thanks Jesus


Unknown said...

My friend Drew just linked me to this post. This is rich! Super encouraging.

Praise the Lord for giving you plenty of Him!

Jenn said...

Paige, this is all so good to hear. Thank you for testifying.