Sunday, September 19, 2010


A good friend told me to read Jeremiah 29:11 tonight. It started out because I was curious as to what was helping her pull through her hard times, and I wanted to know what she had been reading so I could become more understanding.

This verse turned into something a lot bigger than that.

I keep forgetting the fact that I am NOT the Creator, I am NOT the one in control. There is nothing I can do to bring my friends back sooner, I cannot control time, I cannot prevent anyone from getting cancer, there are so many things that I CANNOT do. And I fall so short of realizing that that is a BLESSING. I don't have to do anything but trust in God. TRUST IN GOD. Trust that he is good, that his plans are to prosper and not to harm me, realize that His will WILL be done. That is such a beautiful thing that I have such a hard time coming to terms with. Once I begin to realize this, it is so much easier for my faith to grow. How can we have faith if we don't trust God's decisions. Our bodies and minds are so intricately made, everything about me is formed to the exact T that God wanted it to be. I have got to start letting go of some things or I will never have the faith I desire. It is such a blessing to not have to be in control, to have a loving God who will take care of it for you. May we all begin to come to better terms with ourselves, realizing that we need to be humbled, and put back in our place. And also realizing that being put in your place can be such a refreshing and revealing time.

May God humble us all this week, so that He may become GREATER and we may become LESS, for the sake of HIS glory and our sanity.

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