I can't believe it's already September! My art classes are starting to get more intense, which hopefully will make time go by a little faster! I love having projects to think about! My latest one is for Graphic Design and we have to connect a tangible and intangible thing somehow. My tangible is "markers" and my intangible is "energy". This has been taking a lot of brain storming because both subjects are so broad. My mind can't get off the idea of little children running around with a lot of energy drawing all over the carpet and the walls. But we'll see where it goes in more time :) In painting we've been practicing direct gradations and things, which seems like it should be easy but the concept really twists my brain. :

On the other hand, God is good. :) He is teaching me to be patient, and accepting of what he brings into my life whether I want it to happen or not. I am an EXTREMELY impatient person, but I have no choice but to trust in God and pursue Him and His love daily if I want to be fulfilled in any way possible. Every day He is proving to me that he is all I need to fill any voids.
I hope everyone has an excellent weekend! I can't believe its already time for the weekend again!
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