Wednesday, March 31, 2010

sunset bike rides down 81 in Atown while listening to Led Zeppelin = excellent evening.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Presley Grace

A few of my favorites from our shoot downtown today. What a beautiful day, and what massive sunburn on my face!!!


Thursday, March 18, 2010

Remember me

so I thought remember me was going to be a love story chick flick movie.


possibly the best movie I have ever seen.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Gjon Mili took this of Picasso drawing his signature Bull in 1949.

This is awesome


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

breathe me

Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Unfold me
I am small
and needy
Warm me up
And breathe me.

Monday, March 8, 2010


I finally figured out how to do my Illustrator homework thanks to Kelly and Jen. It's times like these when I wonder why I'm doing graphic design. At least I know more about cameras then computers. I would put a picture up butttt I can't. I don't even know if anyone reads this or not but today was EPIC. Me and B rode bikes all over the world (aka downtown anderson) and ate at Matty's which was SO good. I've never been there. If you're ever in town, go there. It's SO excellent. I want to put a picture of something up here, but I dont really have any besides my sister and my mom donating blood... so! Maybe over spring break pictures will be taken.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

He is before all things and in Him all things hold together.

In infancy, He startled a king; in boyhood, He puzzled the learned doctors; in manhood, He ruled the course of nature. He walked upon the billows and hushed the sea to sleep. He healed the multitudes without medicine and made no charge for His services. He never wrote a book, yet all the libraries of the country could not hold all the books about Him. He never wrote a song, yet He has furnished the theme for more songs than all songwriters together. He never founded a college yet all the schools together cannot boast of as many students as He has. He never practiced medicine, and yet He healed more broken hearts than the doctors have healed broken bodies.

He is the Star of astronomy, the Rock of geology, the Lion and the lamb of zoology, the Harmonizer of all discords and the Healer of all diseases.

Great men have come and gone, yet He lives on. Herod could not kill Him; Satan could not seduce Him; death could not destroy Him; the grave could not hold Him.

Yet this glorious King put on humanity that we might put on divinity. He became Son of Man that we might become Sons of God. He took the greatest cross that we might wear the greatest crown!

I found an apple in my book-bag today. I put it in there at the beginning of first semester...

Monday, March 1, 2010

gaga say what?

she currently gives me nightmares, but to my great disbelief...she was once normal. this is for kate:

Ba da ba ba da ba ba da

K8 's got me hooked.

Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic
If it's not real
You can't hold it in your hand
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Or even in the dark
And that's where I want to be, yeah
Go get your shovel
We'll dig a deep hole
To bury the castle, bury the castle